Privacy Policy

Personal Information Handling and Privacy Details

Privacy Policy

Our company complies with the laws and guidelines related to the protection of personal information, including privacy laws, personal information protection guidelines, and other relevant regulations in handling acquired personal information.

Security Management of Personal Information

Our company will implement appropriate measures organizationally, physically, procedurally, and technologically to protect personal information. We will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information received by our company, as well as to ensure the secure management of other personal information.

Compliance with Procedures for Collecting Personal Information

We adhere to the following principles regarding the collection, usage, and provision of personal information:


We will not use the personal information we have collected beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use defined below, unless otherwise stipulated by law or with the individual's consent.
① Operation, maintenance, and management of the website
② Provision, introduction, and follow-up of services through the website
③ Surveys for the improvement of the quality of the website
Except as required by law, we will not provide personal information obtained based on the individual's consent to third parties without the individual's prior consent. Regarding the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, or notification of the purpose of use of personal information at the request of the individual, we will comply with the law and handle such requests appropriately while also addressing opinions and inquiries.

We may jointly use user's personal data as described below, in collaboration with our parent company.
① Items of Personal Information Jointly Used (Affiliated Company Name, Name, Address, Phone Number, Email Address)

② Scope of Joint Use (Motif Research Corporation, our parent company)

③ Purpose of Use by Parties (To inform about products and services of our parent company)

Change of Purpose of Personal Information Use

Unless obtained with the individual's prior consent, our company will generally not change the specified purposes of use as identified in the preceding clause. However, if the changed purpose of use is reasonably related to the original purpose and falls within a reasonable scope, the change may be made after publicly announcing the revised purpose of use.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

When our company entrusts all or part of the handling of personal information to a third party, we will ensure the adequacy of their qualifications. We will conduct a thorough review to ensure that the entrusted party is capable of ensuring the secure management of the personal information being entrusted.

Improvement and Review of Personal Information Handling

Our company will conduct inspections regarding the handling and management of personal information, as well as our organizational structure and efforts in this regard, and will consistently strive for improvement.

Erasure of Personal Information

When the necessity for personal information is no longer relevant to its intended use, our company will undertake to erase or dispose of the personal information. Such erasure or disposal will be conducted using necessary and appropriate methods to prevent external breaches and other risks, as required to fulfill our operational needs.

Contact for Complaints and Consultations

Our company has established a contact point for inquiries regarding the handling of personal information as follows:
Vitom Inc.
Tokyo, Shinagawa-ku, Minami-Oi 6-16-4 戸浪大森ビル2階
Tel: 03-6423-1247

About SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

Our company's website is SSL-enabled, which means that communication between the web browser and web server is encrypted. Personal information such as names, addresses, and phone numbers are automatically encrypted to ensure security.

Date of Privacy Policy Implementation and Revisions

Established: July 14th, 2023



While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information posted on our website, we shall not be held responsible for any actions taken by users based on the information from our website. Our company shall not be liable for any damages suffered by users or any damages caused by users to third parties resulting from the use of our website.


All content, including text and images, on our company's website is protected by copyright, portrait rights, and other applicable laws. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.

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